Nobody is going to hold your hand. Put on your big boy pants and do for yourself.
Stated honestly and with love. Q Research is in fact one of the interwebs best news aggregators now. The clock stuff is just a desperate distraction at this point.
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I've used crystal stick type deodorant for like 25 years. It's just mineral salts, smells like nothing and it works to make you also smell like nothing. It doesn't cover the smells it actually eliminates it. It lasts for eternity. I've bought four sticks in that time only because I've either lost or broke them from dropping. Example below, you can sometimes find it in stores.
Dude makes my deepstate sense tingle. I think a lot of people suspect he's a trojan horse.
The moon is a space station and it was placed so for our benefit by the owners. It's the only explanation that makes sense.
And the fact DJTs opinion is taken into great consideration by MAGA but his opinions are just opinions and not decrees. MAGA thinking for its collective self, rather than being driven by what they assumed was a dictator, is what truly horrifies them. The MAGA eggs were laid and are now hatching. US is now poised to be completely infested with freedom and liberty once again.
I always heard it was Russia/Turkey and nations in that vicinity. This is the war eschatology fans are looking for since it must happen prior to the revelation of the antichrist.