This should be bread 573, anon.
The implants would be in the way.
At least not yet….
How else could an underdog have been given so much attention?
Clever is that's what's happening.
The system convinced them it was better.
Once it took hold,
they then were ushered out of the home and into the work force.
Breast feeding became an inconvenient novelty.
Who knew it was really a national security issue?
The Rockefellers have been working on Zika for many decades.
The white horse was a false savior bringing back heathen solar worship in the guise of Jesus Christ,
not the real Jesus Christ.
Suit yourself,
but it isn't a political focus.
It is a false religious system focus,
specifically of the Harlot,
the adulterous wife (see Zechariah 5 for a foreshadowing).
They are providing the official new meaning of "free speech":
Speech that isn't challenged.
They are part of the cabal.
Say "Revelations"….
What did we do without cell phones?
Expand your thinking.