Yo Baker
This Notable might better read as 57% of 2014 USAID to Haiti wen to one company - Cemex.
Or something similar. USAID global total is much larger.
>>>1625920 57% of USAID in 2014 Went to One Company - Cemex
Yo Baker
This Notable might better read as 57% of 2014 USAID to Haiti wen to one company - Cemex.
Or something similar. USAID global total is much larger.
>>>1625920 57% of USAID in 2014 Went to One Company - Cemex
Meanwhile, today in Portland…
Patriot Prayer, Antifa clash in Downtown Portland
Qanon.pub is nearly impossible to search for this anon.
Results show for like 15 seconds, then site reverts to 'newest first' view.