Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.1627077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7131


Another Schwarzenberg relative Bernard Schwartz runs Loral Space and Communications which merged with Orion Network Systems which was ran by Kevin Patrick Power who was married to the actress Karen Akers and she is a Pallavicini. Orion Electronics Ltd is a Hungarian based electronics company and modern electronics are being used for mind control. Loral Space & Communications which merged with Orion Systems also merged with Skynet Satellite Communications.


Skynet is also the name of an artificial intelligence in the movie Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger. SKYNET is the name of a NSA surveillance program as well. The NSA Database in Utah is regulating all of the modern electronics in the United States which are emitting electromagnetic frequencies used for mind control or manipulation on individuals and on the masses. HAARP is also used for mass mind control or mental influence and is regulated by the USAF. These satellites and modern electronics are radiating an artificial intelligence which is saturating the atmosphere and influencing the minds of society. The royal and noble families use their Jesuit or Freemasonic agents to infiltrate military and intelligence agencies which run these programs.


The Zionist Sanhedrin


The Zionist Sanhedrin are the mathematical or geometrical programmers of society. Zion is what they call their artificial intelligence program radiated into society.


Rome uses priests, rabbis, and imams to develop the algorithms and programs for mind control used in media, Hollywood, and music. These geometric programs are also used with electromagnetic frequencies radiated from wireless frequencies, modern electronics, and the overall electronic grid in society like smart meters and transformers. The large electronic stations are radiating geometric sigils into society. In witchcraft they use hexagrams and pentagrams for binding. 


HAARP is also used for mass mind control and is radiating geometrically designed programs into the atmosphere which resonate all around us. Vibrations effect more than what is seen like cause and effect. Radiating these frequencies into the atmosphere is like throwing a stone into a pool of water which creates ripples and effects.


They use chemtrails for various purposes including enhancing their electromagnetic frequencies with nano conductive particles which they call “smart dust”. The US military uses spray on antennas and chemtrails function in a similar way.They are creating an artificial mind control matrix in the lower atmosphere. This is what Zion really is. The primary mainframe to Zion is the NSA Database which regulates all modern electronics. The USAF regulates HAARP.


Members of the Zionist Sanhedrin include Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak and Rabbi David Lau as well as other Zionist Rabbis. High level members in the Jesuits and Freemasons are also members. Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais of Saudi Arabia and Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini of Italy are other high level member in the Zionist Sanhedrin.


The Windsor family has a harp on their coat of arms and the Pallavicini family has  a harp on their Austrian palace. These families have authority over the HAARP system through their Freemasonic agents that have infiltrated the United States Air Force.

Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:15 p.m. No.1627139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7155 >>7165 >>7170 >>7201 >>7224

Technocratic Sorcery


DARPA and the Department of Defense along with Silicon Valley have developed an artificial singularity through HAARP, satellites, electronics, and chemtrails. HAARP. modern electronics and wireless frequencies are generating geometrically designed programs into society. The chemtrails are made of nano conductive particles that create an electromagnetic fuzz in the air and this enhances these electronic frequencies and creates a type of artificial singularity. These frequencies are hacking into the nerve systems and electrical system of the human biology and can manipulate chemicals, pain, arousal, as well as psychological states. The Church of Scientology is also working with Silicon Valley which has developed weaponized electronics disguised as computers, smart phones, wireless frequencies, and other systems. Sorcery is the unnatural manipulation of unseen forces like sounds, chemical reactions, and vibrational geometries with the


intent of manipulating bodily chemistry, thoughts, and physiology. Kabbalah and Hermeticism are common forms of witchcraft practiced by the secret societies. Natalie Portman is the most torturous kabbalist on the planet. I am serious.


The Church of Scientology, Kabbalah Center, and Silicon Valley have worked together to develop electronic weapons based on this witchcraft. The Church of Scientology considers itself a gnostic organization. Modern Gnosticism has been connected with Hermeticism which has a focus on alchemy or the manipulation of bodily chemicals. Kabbalah is similar but more about the manipulation of the mind and physiology through geometric sounds and vibrations. The Church of Scientology is involved with training members to use electronics with witchcraft. They are using electronics and wireless frequencies to torture people. Anonymous and other hacker groups are also involved with this covert persecution.


Silicon Valley is partly overseen by Santa Clara University which is a Jesuit college and California’s Jesuit Provincial who is SJ Michael F. Weiler. The Jesuits are also deeply involved with the US military and intelligence agencies. Santa Clara alumni include former CIA Director Leon Panetta, David Drummond the Senior Vice President of Corporate Development at Google, Brendan Eich the co-founder of Mozilla and JavaScript, Jack Kuehler a former top executive and electrical engineer for IBM, former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, Peter Oppenheimer the former senior vice president and Chief Financial Officer of Apple. Santa Clara has courses in various sciences, engineering, and psychological counseling.


There is a Church of Scientology located in Silicon Valley and some companies located in Silicon Valley include Sony, Google, Oracle, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Adobe, BEA Systems and many more. Japanese electronics companies work closely with Silicon Valley.


Akihito the Emperor of Japan is a Knight of the Order of the Garter and serves the British Crown as the blood appointed head of state in Japan. The British royal family are deeply involved in this criminality and have Crown Knights and Freemasons involved in the US military and intelligence which work alongside the Jesuits and Roman agents.


Sky Dayton is a Scientologist and created EarthLink which is a network and communications company. This is all about domination through the most ruthless measures. Many of the leaders in the global crime syndicate refer to themselves as technocrats. Technocracy is about a technological based governing system. Many major actors in Hollywood are members of the Church of Scientology like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and Kirstie Alley. Many in Hollywood are covert members and the Hollywood Illuminati leader is George Clooney.

Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.1627216   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.1627221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7405


Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.1627235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7252 >>7275 >>7290 >>7296 >>7354 >>7386

The Five Families of New York are in competition with the Chicago Outlet. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families and they want the wall at the border because they do not like the drug cartels cutting in on their territory.


Donald Trump used the Genovese and Gambino owned S&A Concrete for building his condos in Manhattan. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. Trump used Roy Cohn as an attorney who also worked for former mafia bosses John Gotti and Tony Salerno.


The Genovese crime family have infiltrated much of Wall Street and extort businessmen.


The mafia are the ones doing the human trafficking and controlling most of the politicians through blackmail. The US military and intelligence agencies have been running the opium fields in Afghanistan and shipping a portion back into the United States and handing it over the Five Families which then cut it into heroin and have it sold on the streets.


The Italian Mafia use the Albanian Mafia and street gangs for doing most of their dirty work. Prince Mario Chigi Albani della Rovere and his son Prince Flavio Chigi Albani della Rovere own and control the Albanian Mafia. The Albani family were an Albanian papal nobility. Italian and Spanish princes call themselves dons just like mafia bosses.


Atlantic City has been fully controlled by the Italian Mafia since the Atlantic City Conference in 1929. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City and they are controlled by the Italian Nobility.

Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:39 p.m. No.1627250   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.1627304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354




Gaetani Crime Family


The Gaetani or Caetani family are a bloodline of the Black Nobility and part owners of the Italian Mafia. Their ancestry goes back to the Tribe of Getae in the Black Sea region which moved into Rome establishing the Duchy of Gaeta. The Getae were originally from the Massagetae clan of Scythia. The Massimo and Gaetani families both originated from this clan. They migrated into Italy and mixed in with Roman gentile families like the Maximii, Catii, and Anicii families. The Cattaneo family of Genoa and Naples also have a similar ancestry as the Gaetani or Caetani family. Prince Bonifacio Gaetani-Dell’Aquilla-d’Aragona is a member of this nobility and is married to Ginevra Elkann of the Agnelli-Elkann billionaire family. The Gaetani family are part owners of the Gambino crime family through the Gotti family. Gotti means Goth and the Gothic tribes were often connected with the Getae tribe and Geats of Gotland that settled up in Scandinavia. The Goths and Gaeta have been intermixed for thousands of years. The Gaetani family also established the Gatti-Grami family of Lombardy in northern Italy likely through a marriage with the Gotti family. The earliest documented Gotti was Vincenzo Gotti from northern Italy during the 16th century and he migrated to Rome and then to Naples. The Gotti family of the Gambino crime family originated in San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Naples. Prince Roffredo Gaetani dated Ivana Trump and is friends with Donald Trump. Donald Trump has several connections with the Italian Mafia and Gambino crime family like using the mafia lawyer Roy Cohn and using the Genovese-Gambino owned S&A Concrete to build his Trump Towers in Manhattan. Prince Roffredo Gaetani paid off people on the internet to spread rumors that he died which is not true. I believe he is living in Switzerland and northern Italy.


The Gaetani family had two popes with Pope Gelasius II or Giovanni Gaetani of the 11th century and Pope Boniface VIII or Benedetto Gaetani of the 13th century. Pope Boniface VIII was taken out of power for opposing the French monarch which was allied with the Colonna family of Rome. The Gaetani family have often conflicted with the older families of the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility have run the foreign monarchs as proxies which they use against their rivals. In more recent centuries the Gaetani family have married in with the House of Colonna. The family have been the Dukes of Sermoneta in Lazio, Italy. This family gained more power by marrying in with the Aragona family of Spain which ruled in Sicily establishing the Gaeatani-d’Aragona name. They became the Dukes of Laurenzana a town in southern Italy. Onorato Gaetani was a mayor of Rome in the 19th century and Prince Michelangelo Gaetani was a governor of Rome and gained more power by supporting the House of Savoy. Michelangelo’s daughter established the Gaetani-d’Aragona-Lovatelli family branch today with Prince Roffredo Gaetani-d’Aragona-Lovatelli and Prince Gelasio Gaetani-d’Aragona-Lovatelli. Prince Gelasio Gaetani refers to himself as the “Wizard of Wine” and he is involved in trafficking of adrenochrome and human blood. Prince Onorato Gaetani was Minister of Foreign Affairs in Italy during the 20th century and his son Prince Leone Gaetani worked in the Italian government and traveled to the Mid East making various connections. Leone’s mother was Lady Constance Adela Bootle-Wilbraham of British nobility and Leone later moved to Canada. Ndrangheta clans have large operations in Canada. The financier Prince Andrea Cattaneo-Della Volta founded Zenith Energy which is headquartered in Canada and does business in Azerbaijan. The Cattaneo family of Naples are covert managers of some Ndrangheta and Camorra clans.

Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.1627314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7328 >>7354 >>7384


The House of Gaetani have part shares in the businesses of the Caltagirone family with Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone worth over 2 billion. The Caltagione family own Cementir Holding which runs subsidiaries involved with international cement production with a large operation in Scandinavia. Flavio Cattaneo is a board member of Cementir. The Cattaneo family are a similar bloodline that ruled in Genoa with Prince Carlo Gregorio Catteneo and Prince Andrea Cattaneo-Della Volta as current members. The Cattaneo family operated as debt collectors for Genoese bankers. The Italian Mafia has been continually connected with concrete, cement, and construction companies. They use these types of businesses for disposing of bodies and also so they can construct hidden ways to infiltrate into buildings for espionage, assassinations, and extortion. In Italy the mafias like Ndrangheta have constructed entire towns with hidden passage ways, underground bunkers, and tunnels for hiding out, escaping, and storing drugs, weapons, and contraband. Michele Zagaria was a top boss for Camorra and was found hiding in a reinforced bunker under his home. Ndrangheta boss Francesco Pesce was found living in a bunker underneath a junkyard and equipped with high tech surveillance and a trap door. The Gaeatani family are top management and command over the international Ndrangheta clans and they manage the gatekeepers which protect the Black Nobility and higher level mafias. Ndran-gheta like Gaeta. The Gaetani family manage mid level Black Nobility which operate as gatekeepers for high level families like the Savoy, Massimo, Colonna, Torlonia families. They also manage gatekeepers for Switzerland and the Bank for International Settlements which is financing their criminal agenda and their attempt at taking over. Gaetani refers to gate.

Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 3, 2018, 11:53 p.m. No.1627341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354


Don Trump and the Atlantic City Mafia


The Genovese-Gambino owned S&A Concrete were involved in building the Trump Towers in Manhattan. Donald Trump used Roy Cohn as his attorney and Cohn has also worked for former Genovese boss Tony Salerno, Gambino boss Carmine Galante, and John Gotti. Atlantic City was built up by the mafia and is where Trump built his casino. The mafia held one of their earliest meetings there in 1929 known as the Atlantic City Conference including Italian, Jewish, and Irish mafia bosses. Donald Trump purchased part of the property for his casino from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa. The mafia launder their personal criminal profits through casinos and have run the casinos in Atlantic City since its beginnings. Robert Libutti frequented Trump’s Plaza Hotel and Casino and was an associate of the Gambino crime family and friend of John Gotti. Trump and Libutti can be seen together in video. Robert Libutti’s daughter Edith further revealed his relations with Trump as friends in an interview. Donald Trump is an associate of the Five Families and Philly Mob and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is the primary owner of the Genovese crime family. The Savoy family has a Savoy-Genovese noble branch and the Savoy family hold the title of Prince of Naples where the Genovese crime boss Vito Genovese was from. Prince Roffredo Gaetani dated Ivana Trump and he is a hidden top owner of the Gambino crime family. Prince Roffredo Gaetani faked his death and has been hiding out in Switzerland with Prince Vittorio. Prince Vittorio has been investigated for racketeering, corruption, and exploitation of prostitution as well as charged with murder in the past. It was the Savoy family that put the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power. Atlantic City where Trump owned his casino is mostly controlled by the Philly Mob currently headed up by the mafia boss Joey Merlino.


According to the 29-count indictment, the Genovese group infiltrated concrete companies to control the construction of high-rise buildings in Manhattan, including Trump Plaza.


Two months later, Trump Management, represented by Roy M. Cohn, turned around and sued the United States government for $100 million (roughly $500 million in today’s terms), asserting that the charges were “irresponsible and baseless.”


Gotti was arrested after a year on the lam. His grateful bosses hired lawyer-fixer Roy Cohn to see what he could do, and Cohn could do a lot. He got the case knocked down to attempted manslaughter, and Gotti wound up doing less time for killing – two years – than he had done for a hijacking that involved $7,000 worth of women’s dresses.


Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno, the rough-talking, cigar-chomping boss of the Genovese crime family who rose from running numbers in East Harlem to rigging construction bids on Manhattan skyscrapers, died Monday night, Federal prison officials said yesterday.


Roy M. Cohn, Mr. Salerno’s lawyer, described his client as a “sports gambler.”


Donald Trump and girlfriend Melania Knauss are joined by Trump’s former wife, Ivana, and her boyfriend, Roffredo Gaetani


He believes the former prince is the leader of a criminal gang involved with illegal gambling and prostitution and more.

Anonymous ID: 17ac7e June 4, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.1627397   🗄️.is 🔗kun
