Was truly glorious, that.
Please feel to filter, genderfag, and also to lurk. But have the grace not to enter the space the anons created and tell them to change it to suit you. If you're here for Q, remember he chose the chans and this board. Maybe he and the autists he thinks so highly of know something you have yet to learn. Consider this:
This^^^ is what "patriots" and "fight" means.
It means fight where we have common cause
and fight for your nations, which means your people. The root of patriot is father, meaning descending from a common father.
Dig history and politics and shill tactics long enough and this understanding is inevitable. It was uncomfortable for all of us to accept in the beginning, but if you value truth, you'll get there.
>>1626538 lb
>Plenty of bad and good players in any “label”
Implying therefore all the same, no distinction.
No. specific actions can be measured and counted, and compared. If you measure the percent of a particular people that engage in, say, child rape, or murder, or fraud vs. charity, invention, or honesty, and so on, you will find distinct differences among peoples. This isn't hate, it's just fact.
Pattern recognition, especially when it comes to predicting possible dangers and mitigating them, isn't just human nature, it's a basic biological function. Marxism has us all confused with this tolerance and equality crap. Try telling the antelope it's being divisive when it runs from the lion.
When well-researched anons call out behavioral trends of certain peoples, or express interest in preserving the future of their own people in its traditional form, that doesn't mean anyone's calling for punishing all individuals for the collective actions of a larger group. It just means we need to be able to think and speak the truth, which often include generalities, in order to solve problems. This board is a free speech venue for that reason.