Electric key accident "US military" is the key? Fixed experts in Yokosuka and Naha "Frequency and frequency close"
I know this will get lost in the Cemex but it's very relevant right now.I have been posting a few days now how the Five Eyes Nations have been in Japan. They were all there, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Canada and US of course.They were here for at least three weeks and were supposed to leave past Thursday with remainder leaving Yesterday,Sunday. Unconfirmed if they left or not. Since their arrival, there has been many instances of Wi-Fi going out, Chem-trails being sprayed. Also these Key Fobs not working was in the news. I myself have been chasing them down because of the sheer volume of Chem-trails being sprayed. We have been getting hammered every day, not to mention it is rainy season and it rained yesterday for only the second day in 3 weeks of rainy season (not raining now either). Yes, see the coincidences? Last week I spoke with an Aussie who worked on the planes that he said were P-8's. I asked what they were doing up there as the news said they were here to monitor sanctions over No Ko. He said "I'm just a maintanance chief, I don't know what they're doing up there". I told him, it's OK man, I know about the Five Eyes and…Boom, he turned around and left! Later on I saw an Airman come out of the control tower, (still trying to find those chemtrails) asked if I could ask her a few questions, she said OK. I asked what all those planes up there are doing. What planes? All those planes that are taking off every five minutes and banking a let right away. I cant say. She tried to feign ignorance but I said there is (((NO WAY))) you don't know what those airplanes are doing that are flying right over your base! She said she can't say.Can't say cause you don't know or can't because you can't say. She said the latter.
Realized today that the origiinal story of Key Fobs not working, that was in Sasebo turns out to be bigger than that. Sasebo, Yokusuka well as Okinawa, all places with US Military bases have been affected. We have all known the Air Force have been involved in chem-trails. Now it is starting to look like the US is doing this not just to control weather but to spy with the other members of the Five Eyes.
Around the same time in the late May in Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city, the same trouble was found in the past in Kanagawa prefecture Yokosuka city and Naha city where there are US military facilities " "I got it from the interview. The US military denies the relation between the base facilities and the trouble in Sasebo, but experts point out that "the facilities of the US military are likely to be affected.
For the whole story and dig go to: