Just to be clear, they are guessing about the weather.
So all you really get is agenda.
>looks like a homeless camp to me
I guess you’ve never been homeless.
Hint: that ain’t no homeless camp
Not necessarily.
In a city in my area,water is the only public utility.
Gas, electric, phone are all through private companies.
They can ding your credit but can’t file a lien.
In the rural areas, water is private too so only liens are tax liens which wouldn’t come for 12 months after default.
I haven’t been in a few days but usually voat and reddit working on stuff, along with half/pol/ if mods don’t delete.
There are people who flip back and forth so info gets carried between.
I stopped regular posting on voat a few months after a mod change and a few disagreements. Was a mod, don’t like upvote thing, don’t post on reddit bc no karma…just lurk.
Still cruise half and full /pol/ regularly.
Point is, someone will carry…or you can.
French Press is a HUGE pain in the ass.
Not fun if you drink more than 2 cups or have more than 2 people.
>but it makes 4 cups
Not in America where we use mugs
Is this for real?
I am so fucking glad my parents didn’t stay in CO.
Even if it was hippie cool in Boulder and we were hippies…Fuckery.
Stupid stoners.
Well…voat is voat.
Sometimes we’re no better.
I’ll check back in am.
Have to quit tonight or won’t be able to drive kid to “city” tomorrow morning for doctor.