Now that we're on the subject of cement companies, I wanted to bring up something I found back in February: Alexandra Papalexopoulou.
She's one of the leaders of the European Trilateral Commission, involved in the leadership of multiple giant corporations, is married to the head of Titan Cement out of Greece, which is about 2x as large as Cemex. She seems to have deep connections to Saudi Arabia as well.
She stuck out because every other member is either an academic, government leader, royalty, banker, or owner/ceo of a tech company or aeronautics.
What is it with these cement compaies? The only thing I can think of is that they would be useful for disposing bodies. They would also likely have blueprints to major structures–especially underground ones. I suppose they could purposely introduce a structural weakness if they wanted to.
I'm sure there's some dirt out there somewhere. Also, pic related is the only one that I've found on the web.