>Why don't we just have Trump fix everything again? Let's make a billion tiny baby ventilators and pump their little empty bodies up with Pfizer and Moderna mRNA nutrients.
Is that possible?
>Why don't we just have Trump fix everything again? Let's make a billion tiny baby ventilators and pump their little empty bodies up with Pfizer and Moderna mRNA nutrients.
Is that possible?
>"⚡️Voting Systems Used Across the Country Have Functionality to Create Ballots and Fill Them Out – Why Are They Allowed?
That's all the country needs right now is another political loser that changes direction depending on how the wind blows.
>yep, we should wait till only the most perfect people on the planet, ones who have never misspoken, never made a mistake, never made a misjudgment,
Our leaders shouldn't be held to a higher standard?