more on 2000 mules
ANSWERING BEN SHAPIRO Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep330
more on 2000 mules
ANSWERING BEN SHAPIRO Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep330
trigger much
your hatred blinded you to the subject2000 Mulesand Shapiro's stupid assertion about it
back the fuck up
abortion was needed because of the relaxation of the need for sex in marriage
you are railing against the symptom, not the cause
the cause is still with us
did we get rid of abortion?
we good
there were baby formula shortages in Venezuela
the gov countered with "it's better to breast feed" campaigns
people were starving in Venezuela
the gov countered with a war on obesity
quote the raven "nevermore"
you assume much, mammary challenged one
All The Afflictions You Might Have If You Lived In A Medieval City