May we take back our world,
Our families,
Our livelihoods
Our values
As the world unravels
And the inner workings are revealed
At the very least
Let’s take back our world.
All it takes
Is the intention and the drive.
All is possible
With shared thought in mind.
My body is mine.
I will do with it as I see fit, as long as it abides with the Lord’s Laws.
I will not let my body, my health, my property, nor my family, become the property or subject matter of any other man or his actions. So help me God.
If the common man has the ability to control what is in his own personal sphere, the above aforementioned, then we will have no world crises problems, only aTaVars promoting death on screens.
When the nuclear family is divided, it leaves room for uninvited entities, habits, and actions that grow like a cancer in the individual and/or the community.
Just like when the anatomy of a cell is inoculated with an injection that produces a foreign DNA/RNA polymerase out of the cells own amino acids, it opens up a world of deadly possibilities to the health of the organism as a whole.
The consequences can be seen immediately for some, but for most it will take some time to produce the unwanted results.
I grew up in a divided family. I don’t know what a nuclear family is in its entirety honestly. But the one nuclear family that I saw in my family, that was properly structured, I saw a wholesome unit, with positive implications on everyone who was blessed to be around.
Regardless, even if you aren’t from a nuclear family, it does not mean that you are unable to have a fulfilling or positive life that produces positive implications on the surroundings around you.
I just think it’s important to the society of our world to promote such a lifestyle as it is natural in essence. What we have today is a purposeful split by the propaganda of our corrupted system, controlled by corporate and ultra wealthy interests.
The only thing these people can do for us is corrupt minds and create circumstances which create an imbalance.
Those who fall morally into the traps of these people become nothing more than rats and pigs
It is a horrendous sight, and our community could be more prosperous without these entities and their influence.
As they grow they want to take our power of independence away and propagate it under a big flashy sign that states “Globalization”
We are not stupid to their cause, and we will not bow down to their desires.
I will fight to my last breath to hold the independence of this here United States, God’s people, and my family. I know I am not alone in the fight. Not in this country, and not in this world.
We the People are created equal, with certain unalienable rights
The right to self-govern a republic.
We have the right to bear arms and militias in order to defend ourselves.
Along with many more very important rights.
I will not give my rights away to anyone. I will not be tricked into giving my rights, my body, my beliefs, my faith, my family, nor my heritage to any man nor corrupted institution or corporation.
Despite the corruption of this here United States and the corruption of her people, I will fight for a better future and a better country. A country without corporate or foreign interests, a country without subvert criminal leadership, a country without rights for some but taxes for all. A country where we can feel free from being bombed, raped, and pilfered by the wealthy protected by the government from prosecution or fair trial.
A Country Particularly based on better principles, the principles that founded her, may they apply to every American Citizen who has the blessing to live in this great country we call home.