>are we going to have more freedom of speech on "private" public speech services or not?
Well, when you have the current admin of this board refusing to respond to anon's calls to stop deleting legal posts on this board, where does that leave us?
>>16259074 (meta thread)
You think I'm OSS?
That was a huge cancer on the board, responsible for more deletions and bans in one year than the whole history of QR combined.
Pic related, two examples of my interaction with OSS.
>Actions speak louder than words.
What is that supposed to mean?
Anon see's up to 100 legal posts deleted per bread.
Irrespective of whether it is bot spam or not.
The spam actually provides methodology and vectors of attack.
I cannot speak for any other anon, but this anon values free speech and transparency and the belief that anons are mature and intelligent enough to be discerning.
>100 posts?
I'm not saying it has happened in the last couple of days, but surely you cannot be trying to deny that it's happened?
Whether the deletions have slowed down or not is irrelevant, the deletion of legal posts is anathema to free speech.
Isn't the right to free speech one of the platforms that anons stand for?
You should see how advanced the LGBTQZDHASP agenda is in Brazil.
When anon last travelled the Metro in Rio 2 months ago, the the underground walls were plastered with movie poster for some shitty, faggy movie about some mentally ill tranny with the catch phrase "When prejudice lives at home" or some such shit.
TBH, anon is anonAmericanon and doesn't know Oz from a bar of soap, but if Trump says to support hi, should we suddenly assum that he has been right about everything else in the past and is suddenly wrong about Oz?
Ano has seen that Oz has frequented the Demon Oprah's show and supported the filthy fucking child trafficking Brazilian paedophile cunt, João de Deus (John of How, how dare these filthy blasphemers prey on our religious beliefs?), but there must be a damned good reason Trump is backing him.
Anon suspects that yhe majority of the supposed split is shills divisionfagging to exploit a perceived weakness.
>TBH, anon is anonAmericanon and doesn't know Oz from a bar of soap, but if Trump says to support hi, should we suddenly assume that he has been right about everything else in the past and is suddenly wrong about Oz?
>Anon has seen that Oz has frequented the Demon Oprah's show and supported the filthy fucking child trafficking Brazilian paedophile cunt, João de Deus (John of God, How, how dare these filthy blasphemers prey on our religious beliefs?), but there must be a damned good reason Trump is backing him.
>Anon suspects that the majority of the supposed split is shills divisionfagging to exploit a perceived weakness.
Let me try again (anon should really proof read before hitting that post button)
Anon has little understanding of the varied characters in this political farce, but I see other anons saying that Barnette doesn't stand a chance against the dems, whereas Oz will wipe the floor with them; Your perspective?
shit, that was classic that anon should have saved.
To the anon that made this meme, I still kek every time I see it.
Toppest of top keks.
As a mild curiosity, did Real Retard News ever run a story on no name's execution?
Anon doesn't care to click their shit to find out.
Anon took a photo about 15 years ago of a full moon rising just after sunset that anon described as a blood moon due to it's deep red colour.
Shame that it looked like it was taken through a potato.
>not your fuckin secretary
Yet you felt obliged to respond.
Have a nice transition surgery.