Fog of war, and massive shit test. PDJT has spent so much time around women, he's starting to use their psychology on the maga public. Females like to shit test their men. Here's a definition:
A manufactured grievance a woman uses to test the mettle, competence and confidence of her mate. It is an intentional provocation accompanied by an implicit and subconscious desire that the man put his foot down, set reasonable boundaries and demonstrate that he will not be bullied, nagged, shamed or guilted into submission. Its purpose is to confirm for her that he is capable of doing what needs to be done to provide for and protect her and her children. The subconscious thought process is, "If he can't stand up to me, how will he be able to deal with the cavemen down the valley who keep us up all night revving their motorcycles, let alone help bring down a mastodon or fend off the sabre toothed tigers?"
So, PDJT is shit testing everyone. The Elon thing isn't a shit test as much as it is a chess move against DS. DS also sucks at poker, and tipped their hand, massively, when Elon went 9.2% in on Twitter stock. Then he advanced with purchase, putting Tesla (one of their assets) up. They panicked, and now Twitter is going to find itself in ruin, or cleaned of bots. If the latter happens, then at least Truth will have a valid competitor in the market. If it doesn't happen, then it goes poof. Twitter will be around, though. True free speech is too racy for Truth social, but if Twitter's going to survive, it's gonna have to come public with the dirt and get cleansed.
So back to Kathy. Oz is garbage, but also the contingency plan for the shit test because Oz comes with a leash; like Perdue (GA gov race) will. PDJT is all in on Oz. Might switch his endorsement, but there's also an advantage to taking it on the chin for once. It shows the movement is beyond PDJT, and that the news can't just attack a single person. It now has to contend with a vocal majority.
Clear as mud?