The Fight and Q FOG - May 2022
Dig into the replys for Most fun.
The Fight and Q FOG - May 2022
Dig into the replys for Most fun.
I visualize a shanghi lockdown coming from behind a curtain with a cute little dog putting the curtain back esposing the forced jab, pro smollet, wef member waving his hand on levers to make scarry fires and speaking into the microphone to sound like he's The Great and Powerful Wizard of Turkey.
The quick voter guide choice is ALWAYS the pro 2A choice. you can't go wrong.
That's all good.
But the fact that unvetted commies marxists socialists globalists terrorists pedoists and identity frauds are allowed on the ballot is the issue that's not being addressed. YOu can try to make the election as safe as you want, but if you put Karl Marx on to vote and he wins, then millions die.
I blame the US Military and the State department for this SHIT situation.
You should be able to throw a dart at your ballot and not worry about WEF/CCP/NAZIS
Does the transnational terrorist flag on the back wall give it away/
You know how FDA has regulation on how much GREEN BUG can be in ketchup right? And you know FDA raised the ratio of green bug to ketchup.
Well there's been disussion about how much bot (think green bug) in percent is Twitter.
90%, 50%, 25% 15%, 10% 5% All kinds of arguments lol Sometimes I think it is 90% but maybe that's only 25% and sometimes I think it's 5% but maybe it's 25%
Anyway the amount of Green Bug (I mean bots) that twitter consumes is gona reflect upon the value (and values) of the sale.
My opinion remains the same CONGRESS OWNS twitter otherwise they wouldn't have got in between the sale. I think Congress owns it thru Smith Mundt Modernization Act. And all this shit that is happening to us is THEIR FAULT and ON PURPOSE.
In the early 20th century, the Supreme Court issued the โInsular Cases.โ These ruled that the federal government holds despotic power over โunincorporatedโ federal territories, despite limits imposed by the Constitution.
I wanna see Anna von Ritz, Legalman, Larkin Rose all debate.
>Trump surely extracted something from Oz for the endorsement.
Nonsense. Trump just looks at it as the Candidate he thinks can't beat the lunatics.
But the problem is you can't beat lunatics with another fucking lunatic. LOOK AT CALIFORNIA, we got that voting for COX instead of Travis Allen (who's career we fucked)
The Boston Cop.
He carrys a billy club and will smack you silly. He gets instructions and then goes to town, if it's wrong they sort it out later in the courts making everything a moot point. Generally speaking the Boston Cop was a good guy hes' methods perhaps dirty. The MAIN thing thing though is that he would take WRONG instructions and enforce them.
"Get back or I'll clobber ya"
What's happening right now in America is a WHOLE bunch of BOSTON COPS are being born in the fires of BLM/ANTIFA/Mujahadeen/CARTELS/ISIS/Taliban/and now NAZIS, when they leave the nursery and rule America, nobody is going to like it because nobody agrees with them.
I honestly don't know how this ends. I hope peacefully.
>So who is behind this 'Kathy is the real conservative' campaign?
>I have a feeling it's someone else.
MSNBC QANON larp and grift
The all seeing EYE of CBS.
Turkish F4 aircraft.
Trump makes mistakes.
Wake the fuck up
You really need to read this threadโฆ
it's so JUICY in the replys.
Just make one of those 1, 2, 3, 4, DIY HOW-TO videos on how to make formula with a cute 16 bar Ukulele track in the background music.
All food shortage is CREATED BY BIDEN and his shit multinational treasonous RAT Buttigieg on PURPOSE.
I'm showing you a fucking THREAD to read, I never followed Q myself. I been trying to wake you fuckers up.
Don't blame me when it all goes to shit, even NOW you condemn me.
You are the piece of shit.
It's his name on the signatures. SHOW ME OTHERWISE you fucking shit larp THINK!
it's a retards opinion. His opinion stinks like my ass stinks
go work on that you fucking QAnon LARP and get back to me. jesus Tits.
>Have you seen the iterations of his signature over time?
>Or are you a yapping puppy?
You're the yapping puppy saying it's not his signatures - SHOW US you yapping QAnon LARP.
I would write a law and make an oath where OZ could never qualify to be on the ballot.
Fuck OZ. seriously.. he get's denied by MY platform for being IDENTITY FRAUD (lots of peple like to say dual citizen)
But also WEF member - so Globalist would get him booted off the ballot. I would do it fast. Here's why
electronic vote tabulation devices are a broken chain of custody dominion/serbia/pakistan/china ess/malta
mail-in (broken chain of custody)
scorecard interference
hammer interference
smith mundt - meda reporting lies, corrupt judges, corrupt cops, corrupt medical, corrupt state dept, corrupt military
dominion - foreign interference serbia pakistan china
ess - foreign interference malta
The failure of the State Departement (who flies a trans national terrorst flag) to remove commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist lenonist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud off the ballot for NATIONAL SECURITY SAKE!
At least we are CLEAR where we stand.
plant based meat will KILL you.
this is pathetic.
>Oh, you must be anti-Trump!
>WEF All The Way!
The MSNBC QAnon sure makes lot of assumptions.
I do have some questions for Trump though.
Why not Serbia pakistan and china or even MALTA , instead of Venezuela where NO PACKETS ARE
did you know the small print on the mRNA experiment when you signed Warp Speed or did they trick SIGN ya.
Recently you said, Everyone should pay their fair share to Ukraine?
So what is a FAIR SHARE to NAZIS?
I have a friend who is completely fucking brainwashed by Grifters (charlie ward, Santa surfing, 107, Utsava, Ben Fulford Wilcock, Jaco, RRN, Simon Parkes, it fucking pisses me off). Some people tell me I should give up. I haven't GIVEN up yet. It's fucking torture though.
So I leave a THREAD for you to read. Maybe JUICY is the wrong descriptor, did I use too much of my shit EGO!?
It's fucking HARD to fight REALITY with TRUTH while not acting like a fucking jerk, and not treatin people like shit.
I admit I ain't good at it.
unscrupulous aristocrats is how we got here.
When does Mayorkas get his home raided and dog shot for that Purgery?