>Never forget the LEFT's tactic
it's called "projection"
Cancer treatment backlog in England to last until 2027, charity warns
MacMillan Cancer Support warned that 32,000 fewer people have received initial treatment for their cancer diagnosis since March 2020.
Death panels? Meh.
Taki gets it
>>>16272375 QAnon-themed social network
groupthink ensured
>>16272850 p Autopsies began for the three Americans who died in their separate rooms at a luxury Sandals resort.
medical examiners can be trusted
>Ammo for next time someone advocates Single Party Payer (aka Socialized Medicine)…
oh, there'll be plenty of ammo for that
muh yutes possess the necessary energy
but lack the necessary wisdom
anon can no longer keep up w/this shit, nigga
that's enough of yer shit.
the collective iq here is exceeded only by the uid count (but barely so)
anon is out.
there's goes the collective iq