I think I know who is behind all of the Evil that is being propagated.
It's the Liberals, RINOs, Marxists, Jewish, Jesuit, Muslim Brotherhood, Masonic, Mormon, Bankster, Big Pharma, corrupt NWO Elites.
I think I know who is behind all of the Evil that is being propagated.
It's the Liberals, RINOs, Marxists, Jewish, Jesuit, Muslim Brotherhood, Masonic, Mormon, Bankster, Big Pharma, corrupt NWO Elites.
Some prolifers should infiltrate and carry signs that say. Let me kill my baby. And other outlandish stuff.
Some prolifers should infiltrate and carry signs that say. Let me kill my baby. And other outlandish stuff.
But that's a corrupt Libtard tactic that Conservative don't use.
Dang. I left off Satanists. Yes the Satanists are running the show and have infiltrated everything.
Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.
6 days you should labor and do all of your work.
And don't make others work on the Sabbath either. Whatever day they consider to be the Sabbath. Everyone deserves one day a week to relax from their labor. Some religions, it's on Friday, some on Saturday, some on Sunday.
But the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. The Pharisees tried to trick Jesus, but he wasn't falling for their tricks. They tried to say that feeding yourself and healing people went against the Commandments, but really it just went against their warped interpretation of the Commandments.
Tenacity is the winner in life.
Fastest, most determined wiggly sperm, if it is a boy sperm.
Girl sperm are slower but live longer.
If a woman has sex after she ovulates, she is more likely to have a boy.
If a woman has sex 24 hours prior to ovulating, she is more likely to have a girl. The boy sperm have all died off, but the girl sperm are lingering waiting for an egg to drop.
So fast, tenacious boy sperm win the egg. Or resilient, strong girl sperm win the egg.
Your Sabbath could be on Tuesday, or Wednesday, or any other day.
It's a ratio thing. 6 days of work, one day of rest, 6 days of work, one day of rest. That is the rhythm that makes our human bodies function the best.
We need to take a day off to rest and renew ourselves. No one should be denied to have a day off, every 7 days.
When I was in the Military, we had a work schedule that had NO days off. That sucks and is not healthy.
I have also heard that the male fetus is more likely to be spontaneously aborted, for some reason, than a female fetus. I guess baby girls are just stronger and more resilient than baby boys.
In the big scheme of things, a species doesn't need as many fertile men as fertile women. That is why ranchers only need one bull (the rest they castrate into steers) but they need lots of cows to give birth to calves.
The strongest bulls, make the best offspring.
There is XX and there is XY. That is it.
Male and Female, He created them.
Satanists hate everything that God created and called Good, and try to destroy what is good.
noticed that too.
Men are more independent. (hunters)
Women depend more on a social network. (gatherers)
Two women can usually accomplish something that a man can do by himself.
They are just wired differently.
God knew what He was doing when He created male and female, each with their own strengths & weaknesses helping each other thru life and raising a family together.
Having been around a lot of little kids in my life, I can tell you that prepubescent boys are way different than prepubescent girls. They are distinctly different from each other.
Some men are tards, no doubt.
And some become fathers.
Hopefully, if you got stuck with a Tard Dad, you were fortunate enough to get a Mom with some common sense.
Sounds like you got dealt Tard Dad, but good Mom.
Boys will take a toy truck and move it back and forth and have it make noises. Bruummmm, Brooooom, Vroooom, etc.
Girls will take two dolls and shake them back & forth at each other and have them engage in a conversation. "Hi, my name is Stacy, What's your name? My name is Margie. Wanna go shopping, blah, blah, blah. I like your hair, blah, blah, blah."
Women have been given the Gift of Gab to be sure. They use their words to manipulate what they want.
For some reason, little boys are mean to little girls and like to tease them, because they have not yet discovered that someday they are going to want what those little girls can do to make them feel, awesome. I guess they practice on their sisters, and tease them mercilessly, cause incest is not good for society.
Sounds like you broke the mold, broke the cycle of abusers & enablers.
God has used you in a way that shows us that there is hope for society, no matter how messed up things get.
God provides for the Sparrows.
These people think that they are smart & clever and they come up with all kinds of evil schemes.
God is way smarter than they are.
Trust God.
Calendars were made by people, not by God.
It's about ratio, 6 days you shall labor. Then one day of rest.
Don't fall for the man made religious traps.
God created, days, the moon cycle, seasons, and years, but not the calendar.
All of the Israelite's religious holidays followed the moon, and the seasons, and the years.
When the corrupt Fake Jews invented the Muslim religion to attack Christianity, they didn't realize that the were creating a Frankenstein monster that would turn around and attack them. So they infiltrated the Muslims and took them over. Radical Muslims are actually just Liberal Fake Jews in disguise. That is what 0bama is.
The Extreme Liberals went Far Left.
The pendulum always swings back.
They tried to destroy Moderate Dems. but instead they are just turning the Moderate Dems. into Moderate Repubs.
Voting for a RINO is still better than voting for a Dem. who has gone so radically Left, that they are preposterous.
Now, if we could just get rid of that election fraud so that voting actually mattered.
>That might be large part shitty parenting, their fathers probably do the same to their mothers and they pick it up that way
That might be part of it.
I think that adult men are expected to act mature and treat women like ladies, (if they act like ladies and not like whores)
But boys will tease girls, and girls will complain to their moms about it, and moms will tell their daughters that if they ignore the teasing that the boys will stop, because it isn't fun for them anymore if the girls don't scream & cry about it. The boys tease because they are looking for a negative reaction from the girls. It's all about attention. There is negative attention and positive attention. A true Gentleman has learned how to hone his flirting skills to be able to get a woman's attention positively by treating her like she is a lady. Treating her as if she is his Queen.
But some people never grow up and spend their entire lives acting like adolescents.
"Pregnant" men are homo and don't sleep with hot chicks. They sleep with homo men who pock them in the butthole with their homo penis.
So is this a trans who still has a penis, who impregnated a woman who had her tits cut off?
They are really heteros who just butchered their bodies and are pretending to be opposite of the sex that they were born.
I guess the Hollyweirds and Fashion industry, etc. have been doing this for awhile, but now they want to make it mainstream. Hence all of the trans nonsense going on in the Socialist Public School System.
But the Moderate Dems. will vote for a RINO.
Ultra MAGA will vote for non-RINOs
And the Democrat (Far Left) Party will disappear.
But if Moderate Dems. start voting for RINOs, the Dem. party will disappear.
Libtards have tried to change the meaning of the word Love to mean Tolerance.
We are not called to tolerated Evil.
Love Wins.
The Democrat Party has always been the Party of Hate, pretending to be the Party of Love and Concern for the Little Guy. All they have done for the Little Guy is manipulate, lie to, and use him for their own evil ambitions.