IOG SABBATH DAY - 5/14/2022 - "Power Over The Nations" 2022
Live KJV (only)
Happy Sabbath Day…:)
IOG SABBATH DAY - 5/14/2022 - "Power Over The Nations" 2022
Live KJV (only)
Happy Sabbath Day…:)
>warped interpretation of the Commandments
SUNday worship
>Your Sabbath could be on Tuesday, or Wednesday, or any other day
>every 7 days
what is day 7 on your calender?
I understand for those who work on Saturdays,
hopefully they can ask God to give them a path
to ask there bosses to get them Satyudays off if possible,
but here you are on the kun board justifying transgressions.
No excuses for anyone who knows scripture.
It's hard for most christians to come away from
the 1 sin they commit weekly.
No apologies for the truth that came from the beginning.
Was it thus sayeth the LORD or thus sayeth to the jews?
discovery trap is set
RED TEXT shilliness
military tribunals are the last stop
PAIN will come
the ending won't be for everyone
God Bless…
RED TEXT doomers
Trump & Q set them all up
I smell your PANIC
>stolen election
Democrats always show themselves
clown work noted
>a certain length
Beyond the Surface: Black People Voted for America's Destruction, 5/14/2022
A black man calling out his own…