Interesting. What is this from?
That will require disclosures.
That would explain why I didn't recognize it. Those are important passages, though.
It's already begun.
The people who took over England may have been Jews, but I don't think they represented their entire people. They were able to do it as a result of some kind of currency investment.
Do you have more context than that?
The church has done much to hide the teachings of true and real power from the people.
I'm saying that they will need to know why they are doing it. They need a motivation. Hence, disclosure.
One possibility would be a message in ascii. Letters are represented by two of the hex digits. They would need to be converted from that, like a cipher.
David Wilcock had some interesting things to say about Saturn. Giants lived there.
The Jews are only one tribe. There were/are 12. Wherever they are, they are as much Israel as the Jews. Several tribes went up into Europe and are the modern day countries there. The Jews are trying to displace their brothers, it would seem.
Yeah, if they let the Muslims overrun the place, they certainly are not fulfilling their role of protecting their country.
If we do it for them, they will say they were conquered by us. They must rise up themselves.
Yes, I think they are beginning to realize how screwed they are. How much longer will it take now that they are being asked to dull their kitchen knives? They won't even be able to cook their dinners!
Another purpose was to create a church that would control the people to Constantine's liking. Selections would have to be consistent with that purpose.
That's a relief! I would hate to think none of it could be used if they actually found something.
Jesus taught from the Old Testament, too, even at the age of 8!
Book of Ezra, apparently. Part of the apocrypha.
The Bible wasn't even a single book until the Council of Nicea.
The Vatican kinda f*cked us all over by watering down what they taught us about spirituality. They wanted to keep all the knowledge and power for themselves. Gotta wonder what will happen after the Vatican falls, as it appears is happening now. I've heard that there is some amazing stuff in their library.
Yeah, I can just see some of those other "enemies" saying, "You go ahead and keep thinking that." Meanwhile, they work their own plots.
If the clock proves true from here on out, then the next question is, how does Q know? Is it truly a movie with someone in the wings saying, "OK, get out there. You're on now!" Or does he really have a time machine?
I'm beginning to think the key is to something other than a flat or a car.
But they didn't have a Bible. And they tended to be hunted and the members killed. Creating the Bible and the official church that went with it changed that.
What if all humans thought of themselves as deities?
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.” (Philippians 2:5–6)
Latin wasn't the issue. Most people were illiterate until relatively recently.
And you know that how?
Oh, that's funny! My inclination, though, is to leave that topic alone. I certainly would not want to do anything detrimental to that process.
Not until the Council of Nicea created it. Until then, each of those books in your Bible was literally a separate book or scroll.
You need to do some research. I actually am right about this one.