When Sartre died, Simone laid on-top of his corpse for 3 hours in the morgue (supposedly)
It's the same trick as where the mafia cliche comes from.
Cement is a spongeable commodity. Who's to say how much cement is needed for a construction job?
That and trafficking, transporting and body disposal.
Are you off to spy on a cult or something?
Interdasting, originally 3% were assumed to have fought in the revolution, but now the number is closer to 25%
Anons, since it's only us night crew here now, I'd like to ask a question.
Have any of you been told you were intravenously given dopamine while you were a baby to help promote feeding?
I have two scars, one on my wrist, one on my ankle from these tubes (they were going to put one in my head if those didn't work).
Has anyone heard of or experienced this?
I had a coarctation of the aorta.
I'm just wondering if they still do this because i'm pretty sure theres some massive side effects.
Where the idea was they were supposed to create a reward to feed, but what they actually ended up doing was creating a reward for pain, stress, and hungerโฆ
Thanks, not whining, just wondering if anyone here had a similar experience.
Has anyone cross referenced i-19 search zone with the strava heatmap?
I'm not sure where they're searching atm.
I couldn't find any heat signatures there either. Doesn't look like the traffickers were strava app users, oh well. Worth a shot.