clockfags are using reverse psychology now
he's not a jew, just ignorant
(((OSS))) is anti clock
if Peter was of Judah, then he wasn't an Edomite
see what you want to see, it wont change anything
you're just subverting our language, that's what kikes do.
Jews as you call yourselves today are Edomites, your story of where you come from is a lie.
Israel is not a place but a people
not an idea, a people
the ones the pharisees hate
because who your parents were is who you are
but what does that really mean
or split the vote for McCormick or whatever the rinos name is
if Trump wants Oz, then we gotta be for Oz
I'd assume this is a communist honeypot unless someone I trusted recd it
according to ID 62874d
if I gave you the answer you want, I wouldn't be thinking for myself
nice get
if it's at the bottom where you see the Fight The Deep State ads it must be from Jim