MOS, it's so good to see you saving your Jewing for last again on QResearch.
>even the post #
Yeah, I've wondered if some of Q's drops were shitposts made just to keep the drop numbers lined up the way he needed.
There aren't any of those around here.
Just a slowly shrinking base of old & mid fags.
Yes, but some drops are bigger than others.
Some drops are bigger than others.
Some drops' mothers are bigger than other drops' mothers.
Between Trump's endorsement and Oz getting some spirit cooking voodoo help from his pal Marina, Kathy doesn't have a chance.
I've been saying it since 2018.
Clockfags are their own worst enemies because of their extreme spergoness.
Whenever oldfags would ask for them to explain arrowseverywhere.jpg, they would throw yuge temper tantrums.
So, many anons started to despise them and then the shills exploited that resulting in the can't tell who from who in the clockfag criticism of today.