pe mine ma doare in pula, oricine ai fi.
nu vii la mine, sa ma faci sa ma simpt usor si pleci, ca o vita-n vant.
avem miliarde de lucruri de rezolvat, daca nu vrei, marsh in mortii ma-tii. lasa-ne pe toti sa crapam , iar tu, du-te-n mortii mortilor ma-tii.
ca nu mi-e frica de tine.
10x 4 the girls.
very cute and zecsy.
garbage……………… came visit me for 2 minutes??????????????????????????
go fuck yourself, nxt time. to me, you're a criminal. go to the morans, they might kneel to you, I don;t.
You to me.
I am in pain……………….yet you come visit me for 2 minutes…………………..
Any present, you fuck?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
another mute one??????????????????
knowing you………next one will talk all day…………………………………………
so I must be careful w/ my whishes……
Come let me fly, you fuck!!!!
fk 13
You, mf, can't come visit me 2 min and go?!?!?!?!
yooooooooooooo, I'm going to sleep.I;m drunk, again.
so you're welcome