LOVE ONLY IS PEACE ID: e57d97 June 4, 2018, 6:21 a.m. No.1628660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8671 >>8684 >>8686 >>8734 >>8808 >>8837 >>8849 >>8972 >>9044 >>9058


Fellow Anons,


It has fallen upon my heart to share something I feel is the most valuable, most noble, most virtuous of things to carry in our hearts.


We are here working together to free ourselves of tyranny, of evil of the highest order, of oppression, of spiritual and physical death at the hands of those that evil has seized and has sought to use.


We seek JUSTICE. Some seek revenge, but vengeance is mince sayeth the Lord. Man's justice will not and cannot be perfect, but God's is.


Q, I think, in telling us to remember how to play THE GAME, is sending a multi layered message. I see two at this moment.


1) . To remember that we are the masters of our own destinies. That WE create our own reality. Our potential is limitless when our minds are free from the endless din of "tragedy." When we are free from these distractions, free to imagine, visualize, expect and then act upon our will to create ourselves, our futures, our own lives. This we have discussed at length here.


2) THAT LOVE HEALS ALL. Love is the ONLY WEAPON WE NEED AGAINST EVIL. Any desire for vengeance, or to harm or to brutalize our enemy is succumbing to the very enemy, EVIL, itself. If a million true and freely loving hearts lavished their attention, focus and ALL THEIR LOVE upon the most vile acting person among us, even the head of this snake which is the common enemy of humanity, that one heart full of evil could not withstand the almighty and powerful flood of forgiveness, empathy, compassion and mercy heaped upon it. That blackest of hearts would be cleansed.


Each one of us has FREE WILL. The freedom to choose to live a life of evil or a life of Love, even one of indifference. One person's choice to live by evil means can be changed, this person can be redeemed if shown nothing but love and mercy. Think of your own lives. Think of moments when you needed mercy, forgiveness, redemption. Did you receive it? Many times I myself have, many times I have not. The times that I have are the ones I choose to remember and to live my life by. If I only remembered when I had been forsaken by my fellow man, I would be an empty, cynical and lost soul.


EVEN THE MOST VILE AMONG US deserve mercy and forgiveness. IT IS THE ONLY WAY. To seek to do harm to another is not acting in LOVE. And only 100% LOVING ACTION, DEED, THOUGHT AND DESIRE WILL SAVE US.


Shall we descend into the abyss with our enemy? I SHALL NOT. NOR SHOULD YOU. We may control our own individual destinies, our own decisions, but not the lives of or destinies of another.


CHOOSE TO LOVE YOUR ENEMY. Let us choose to NOT DO TO THEM WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO US. Let us show them mercy, let us show them THE WAY, THE LIGHT, THE TRUE LIGHT OF GOD. Let us not tear our enemy to pieces, let us heal them with love. GOD WILL JUDGE THEM. For only GOD has the right or power to do so.




Thank you fellow Anons, from the bottom of my heart, for working tirelessly to uncover the evil done by these possessed people. These lost souls of darkness that control, kill, harm, destroy and maim us, let them be brought into THE LIGHT. Let them hide no more. Let us have pity on them. For there but by the grace of God go I (we). BY THE GRACE OF GOD we are on His side. We are not lost to darkness, please, friends, I beg you, do not lose yourselves to darkness now. Not in hour hour of victory. Do not become savages like them with bloodlust. Let them be be kept safely away from the good people of this Earth. Let us not harm them, but LOVE THEM.


LOVING YOUR ENEMY IS THE GREATEST POWER YOU HAVE OVER THEM. The greatest power is of good influence.


ANYONE CAN KILL, not everyone, or just anyone, can accept the reality that GOOD vs. EVIL is a game of false gods, not men. We are are not gods, we ARE OF THE ONE TRUE LOVING GOD. Let us act in his image. Let Christ or your prophet be your model for a life best led.




We MUST remember this. We much ascend. We must NOT descend. For if we do, we have succumbed to EVIL. And we will have LOST OUR DIVINE ESSENCE. Higher and high we go, WWG1WGA! Truer words have never been spoken.


Godspeed, Patriots! Godspeed Patriots of Humanity. We are all powerful in righteousness, boundless, borderless and indivisible.


God Bless Us Each and Every One.


~Anon of Peace & Love

LOVE ONLY IS PEACE ID: e57d97 June 4, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.1628957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8973


To love them is to see them as failing human beings, to see beyond their evil, no matter the crime or it's magnitude. This is living a christ-like life.


It's not easy, and I understand your anger and resentment at my suggestion that we do so.


Thank you for being here, thank you for helping humanity. I hope you guard yourself against the evil shit we all encounter here. It can eat at our hearts.


Peace, Anon.


LOVE ONLY IS PEACE ID: e57d97 June 4, 2018, 7:21 a.m. No.1629006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9012 >>9034 >>9074


Killing another is taking the power of God. I don't feel (((they))) or WE have that right – take take another life. Our anger in the guise of justice murdering another is also evil. But, I understand your rage. Who here isn't outraged?? And rightly so. It's what we do with that anger, or better yet, what that anger does TO US or allows us to do to others.


Thank you, Anon.

LOVE ONLY IS PEACE ID: e57d97 June 4, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.1629039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9069


You are not correct. I have experienced the most profound evil. The kind of evil that is talked about most often here. I think my views are what have saved my sanity and my life. I'm not some, what did you call it, new age psyop? I'm just one person, with my own thoughts, trying to share. Thank you.

LOVE ONLY IS PEACE ID: e57d97 June 4, 2018, 7:28 a.m. No.1629068   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How do you I haven't experienced that or worse. I have. All I meant to say is the cycle of brutality and violence is not a good one. No matter the justification. It's alright to disagree. I'm not saying these people should not face justice. Thank you, Anon.