Out of all the atrocities throughout history there is one that is taught in schools, mentioned daily.
A mass shooting is defined as at least 4 people have been shot.
Notice the words they choose or not to choose.
It's same shit with the school shootings.
Back in 2018
>There has been 27 school shootings so far this year
While literally 17 of them didn't involve any students in the school.
>Teacher accidentally fires his gun out in the parking
>Somebody committed suicide in the parking lot of an abandoned school
>Somebody murdered somebody on the streets in front of the school at 2 AM
They never bothered to fact check anything for themselves. They are literally being told this shit by devices (programs)
So is being left-handed a good or bad thing?
The dude is a piece of shit. Complains about Russia and Ukraine but wont lift a single fucking finger to help.
BUT BUT BUT let me tell you how bad it is and if you disagree with me about not giving Ukraine aid you are standing with Russia.
Fucking cuckservatives man.
>The whole shit show needs to hang for treason and fuck the trial.
Well. If someday police no longer existed I think there would be some very unfortunate events happening in Washing DC to our good friends in Congress.
Fucking hilarious.
Lying Kike.