Start organizing stop whining.
Lol what honestly were you expecting…it’s called operation do nothing.
Good question but that is what we should be focusing on around the world and this is good place to start strategizing.
I would start bringing information out into the streets. Start recruiting people with the truth as this place has done already. I would stay with the idea of leaderless groups that can maintain cohesion without leaders or who can have transitory leaders as needed. We need a
symbol like q and hand salute to reinforce the group. I suggest the three finger Serbian salute for the Trinity. At the end of the day many people across all walks of life are getting tired of the bs but are staying quiet. We need some people in law enforcement and military to be on side and make them selves known. We need to crystallize end goals and pathways to achieve them. End goal being revelation of criminal acts and removal of criminals from power and justice, and the implementation of new stewards in modern government….anyways it’s basically unachievable and the people in power just want to keep their jobs and steal as much as possible before the collapse…we are too late and this board was and is meant to keep people sedentary hanging on to hope without having to do anything. Be prepared for hell is priority number one. Because ethics about the total collapse of everything or the complete enslavement of most people. I don’t see a way out really.
I think we should stop trying to pray the gay away and start organizing the overthrow of the criminals in power.
Stop whining start organizing.
Gandhi did it peacefully and it has happened in the past before. I am not advocating for myself to have control for my ego, whomever is right for the job is fine with me…yes we should move forward pragmatically towards the peaceful overthrow of the criminals in power. That is what we should be doing here non stop….not continually waiting for a saviour and smashing down anyone who’s ready to make a move and not sit on their ass whining.
Do you see how this place is simply to pacify? Lol it’s fun but it is designed specifically to prevent people from doing anything productive. Time to move forward q tards keep with information gathering but we have to move forward…Justice isn’t going to happen on its own it just won’t that should be obvious now it is a pacification ambitions.
I agree. Saying that it is getting to the time for people to take action is not advocating evil. Honestly though politeness isn’t morality and coward are not virtuous. Sitting on your ass praying while your neighbours homes gets robbed from them is not righteousness.