super comfy in here
bots cant find the right bread
>Persecuted if you do. Persecuted if you don't.
if its going to be Persecuted either way
then you might as well do the right thing
>Doing the right thing was far worse than just keeping it to myself
accurate observation
those are the stakes
doing right aint got no end fren
>Not only that but it's the seat of the Eastern Holy Roman Empire
can you elaborate a bit on this anon?
>intermittent fasting
this is what its all about
I stil lthink a yearly longer fast is good
but for everyday wellbeing
limit your intake hours to 4-6 hour "eating window"
>the CIA likes it when people like anons accuse it being 'commies' who work for China
nice engrish
>plasma reactor
>This free energy?
how energy required to sustain reaction
>pro tip, you have to pay for the energy you use to 'fire up' the reactor
>and all the energy required to sustain the reaction
how much energy is produced by reaction
>are you going to sell this back to someone in order to re-coup the losses on the front end?
>now your just playing economics
….no, it wasnt "free"
>the fuck is this shit?
posters ID has 40 posts in this bread
what kind of gems has this anon been gracing the bread with?
something about being the spirit of greed
the "heart" of the creature is a frozen effigy of the real being that once was