>>7401664 (PB) Previously Noted, Way Back.
How to Build a Spaceship
This post is not to pontificate on why we’re being kept in the dark, why disclosure of this information is occurring now, or any religious/philosophical implications. It is simply to inform folks of the facts.
Please clear your mind of rockets and space shuttles. What were talking about is a completely different set of technological advances.
What we’re talking about is something called a
Hybrid Aerospace-Underwater Craft, (HUAC pronounced “Hawk”)
First you need anti-gravity. We have that now, (in case you missed it) It’s called the.
High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator
Handily, this device provides for the function of both lift and propulsion, but not requiring aerodynamics and thrust old technology like, let’s say and airplane.
Now, the above-mentioned tech creates its own (localized) gravity. This provides for speed and maneuverability with 0 g-force. However, these capabilities require shielding…
Electromagnetic Field Generator and method to generate an Electromagnetic Field (EFG)
The electromagnetic field generator includes a shell, an electrostatic generator, a power plant, a thermoelectric generator, and an electric motor. The shell has embedded polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramic material which is polarized such that the ceramic material exhibits strong Piezoelectric Effect properties thus inducing high frequency vibrations. The shell may be further doped with radioactive elements which under high frequency vibrations induce gamma ray emission. The electrostatic generator is for charging up the shell and is disposed within the shell. The power plant is to generate thermal power and is disposed within the sphere. The thermoelectric generator is to convert the thermal power generated by the power plant to electrical energy. The electric motor powered by the electrical energy generated by the thermoelectric generator, and supplies input voltage such that the shell spins at high angular speeds, vibrates at high frequencies, and generates an electromagnetic field.
Sorry for the copy paste above. I’m just not sure my layman explanation would be accurate. “Shields up Captain”
Obviously, its going to take more than a nine-volt battery to power this baby.
Fortunately, we have some new Tech here as well. Posting the next part probably won’t make the energy companies very happy and might enrage the populous as to why we’re still burning fuel for energy, but here it is.
The Plasma Compression Fusion Device
The US Navy has authorized the publication of a patent for a nuclear fusion reactor that can both generate enormous quantities of power and yet be small enough to be fitted on mobile platforms.
It is claimed in the patent application that this plasma compression fusion device is capable of producing power in the gigawatt (1 billion watts) to terawatt (1 trillion watts) range and above with input power only in the kilowatt (1,000 watts) to megawatt (1,000,000 watts) range.
By comparison, America’s largest nuclear power plant, the Palo Verde nuclear power plant in Arizona, generates around 4,000 megawatts (4 gigawatts), and the A1B nuclear reactors designed for the Navy’s Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers generate around 700 megawatts.
Note: this patent is still pending
We got the Tech, we got the power source, now we just need to store this massive amount of power. Well guess what. (this tech is so advanced; spell check doesn’t accept it…BUR!)
Piezoelectricity-induced Room Temperature Superconductor
This “room temperature superconductor” is what would ultimately store the electrical power produced by the nuclear fusion reactor. The superconductor would also enable the HAUC and other mobile platforms to operate for extended periods if the nuclear fusion reactor went offline, and a back-up power supply had to be used.
Check the links for moar info.
Implications of this Tech goes far beyond building a spaceship, but the spaceship encapsulates the info into an easily deliverable package. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Consolidated patents above and more here.