Gold Coast Mayor concedes more thought should have gone into prayer room after interest from satanists
Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate says he should have thought twice before converting a disused office at council chambers into a prayer room, following attempts by a group of satanists to use it for a blessing.
Key points:
Tom Tate says prayer room should have been called "R U OK room"
The room is no longer publicly available after satanists attempted to use it for blessing
Mr Tate says the appointment of a controversial spiritual adviser will help coordinate church and council resources
The prayer room was implemented in March following the appointment of the mayor's long-time spiritual adviser Sue Baynes as council's pastoral adviser.
Ms Baynes has publicly advocated for the controversial Seven Mountains Mandate — a dominionist religious movement that seeks to gain influence over seven spheres of society, including government, education and media — and shift their focus towards evangelical Christian beliefs.
At a religious service in November 2021, Ms Baynes also warned that a "demonic stronghold" had been established at the city's Home of the Arts (HOTA) resulting in a "spiritual battle".
In response, the Noosa Temple of Satan attempted to book council's prayer room in April for a satanic blessing — a request that was denied.
Should have been 'R U OK' room
Mr Tate said he "didn't name the room" but has since had a rethink.
"If I had my time over again, I would have called it an R U OK room," he said.
"It is a quiet time really primarily for our staff, or somebody's already gone through security to meet council inside and go 'I need to breastfeed, let's go in there'."
Mr Tate said the experience with the satanists brought issues with the prayer room into focus.
"God works in different ways, even utilised the satanists to help me realise I should have called it R U OK room," he said.
"So thank you very much."
No public access
Mr Tate said the prayer room is no longer available for public bookings.
"The decision on anyone who [is] coming in our building is operational matter," he said.