Jewish Magic: “Use of the Demon Princes”
Babylonian oil magic in the Talmud and in the later Jewish literature (Daiches, 1913)
The use of a black handled knife or [sword] is well attested in the summoning of demons and drawing magical circles with (which is a whole separate discussion). Suffice it to say several examples can be found in Babylonian oil magic in the Talmud and in the later Jewish literature (Daiches, 1913).
Babylonian oil magic in the Talmud and in the later Jewish literature
It is the object of the following pages to show that Babylonian oil magic in its various forms is also to be found among the Jews in the time of the Talmud and in later times.
And you shall adjure so often until he will see the thirteen (princes). And after these thirteen will have appeared you shall adjure (them) again and say: I adjure you in the name of GAMITTON outside and in the name that was engraved on the plate of Aaron that you shall say and bring our master IPHEIPHIJAH, the prince of the knowledge and the learning, and that he shall come and sit like a king at his table, and he shall command you as a king commands his princes! to do my wish and my desire and all that I ask and desire of him.
SAMUEL (1878–1949) was a rabbinic and Oriental scholar.
After serving as rabbi at Sunderland, England, Daiches became lecturer in Bible, Talmud, and Midrash at Jews' College, London, in 1908. He also took an active part in the work of B'nai B'rith, the Anglo-Jewish Association, the British Board of Deputies, the Jewish Agency, and Jewish relief organizations. In his earlier days Daiches published works on Babylonian antiquity and its influence on Judaism, including: Babylonian Oil Magic (1913)
Abracadabra: Israel Museum exhibit explores Jewish magic
“If you look back at the Jewish tradition you [can] see that there’s magic even in Bible,” Benovitz affirmed. “It’s just that the word magic that throws people off but really, it’s very much part of our culture. There’s magic in the Talmud, in rabbinic texts, and all sorts of Jewish contexts.
A fascinating series of rare magic pottery bowls from fifth- to seventh-century Iraq reflect a curious magical practice that was once used by both Jews and non-Jews alike in Babylonia. At the center of the bowls are drawings of strange figures – demons, apparently – surrounded by quotes from the Bible that were written in order to trap them inside.
The first time I came face-to-face with Jewish magic was when I moved to Israel
Known as the Pulsa deNura (“Lashes of Fire”), this ancient Aramaic ritual was first mentioned in the [Talmud] and then described in greater detail in ancient [Hebrew manuals of magic].
When performed correctly, the curse was purported to inflict divine wrath on its victims within a year.
Judaism had a rich tradition of magic that dated back to the Hebrew Bible
Talmud: For a person to see the demons that surround him, he should “take the afterbirth of a black she-cat, the offspring of a black she-cat, the first-born of the first-born,” roast it, grind it up and then put the powder in his eye.
[All-Seeing Eye]: Excerpts from Harba de-Moshe, a Jewish magical treatise from 7th–9th century. (pictures)
Rachel’s Tomb near Bethlehem, a location long used by Jews for magical rituals
Which brings us to today. Not only is Jewish magic alive and well, it has also become trendy. In the United States, Jewish witches or “Jewitches” bring a Jewish angle to New Age practices such as astrology, moon rituals and goddess worship.
Gilah Levin, a Jewitch living in the Bay area: Magic is an important part of my Jewish heritage. We live in troubling times. The ancient wisdom of [Jewish magic helps me bring order to chaos].
October 16, 2018
Ancient Jewish Magic
The existence of magical elements within ancient Jewish culture and society has always been known, and has occasionally been studied by scholars at least as far back as the 19th century (Brecher 1850).