God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
HA HA got you cucks. You are CUCKS because you like to sit back and watch the board get fucked by famefags.
I'm only here for attention and (Yous). Not even a Christian I just pretend to be because I know everyone will reply to anything with the word "God" in it. Clown crew clocked in? Come on create some fake consent for my famefaggotry. I'm here 365 days a year without missing a single day and clock in almost at exactly the same time every day but trust me I'm anon. I know at least three quarters of the replies are from bots with identical copy paste messages and memes every day but it still inflates my massive famefaggot ego. Just like the Samfaggot and Ralphfaggots that are on here 365 days a year doing the exact same thing. Trust me we are all "anon". Don't even dare to question me or the others because we are sacred cows. An attack on swordy is an attack on GOD himself. By the way swords are an instrument of DIVISION for those of you that haven't clued in yet.
God bless.