I hate faggots and niggers.
k, but, has ANYTHING happend in the 6 years since she lost? Nope.
Literally nothing has happened though. And fuck off with twitter comms, dog comms, watch the water comms and clockfag graphics. Nothing has happened and Biden is our president.
Cope harder. Give me a list of ANYTHING that has happened. You can't. Owned. You just got alpha-maled, division-shill. You will NOT divide us.
Alpha-maled. Now be a good cuck and either give me another (you) or filter me. That's it, be a good cuck.
LAWL. Owned 200x. I can checkmate these shills 'cause I'm always 30 moves ahead. Q said these shills would try to infiltrate us, but we're not letting it happen.
LOL triggered. I just baited you into getting into an argument on the internet. I win.
Didn't read your gay post btw.
The results on tv aren't the fuckin' law. Absolute state of this board. Fuck you're dumb. Buy a computer if you're not too retarded too, idiot.
Wow! Really?! DURRR I hope so DURRR. Even though shit hasn't happened the last 6 years DURRRR.
Truth Social is hot garbage.
Lol triggered. Delete all your social media and migrate your bitch ass to Truth Social then, bitch. OWNED.