Modern man.
Most people who think they are smart are mentally retarded. At least that’s is how it looks to me. All you need to do is get people to be arrogant. The. They will confidently spout their ideology without thought or remorse and simultaneously praise themselves even in the face of conflicting information.
It’s curious…usually when people recognize themselves in others they dislike it…but these two colossal shitbags bond so well.
Dick size in primates is correlated with with female promiscuity. The larger one can deposit sperm closer to cervix and the penis is designed to remove other males sperm fro the vagina.
I agree I think intelligence is not the problem. I think people having hire r heads up their asses is the problem. I don’t think you can be intelligent if your head is up your ass though. Perhaps I’m confusing intelligence and wisdom.
I have biology degree. Was talked about in evolution. It’s still theory I guess but makes sense. Are you talking about estrogen in the womb or other genes causeing dick size? Because that doesn’t explain the evolutionary mechanisms for it.
If the women all fuck one man genghis khan, there is no competition i the vagina for the larger one to be an advantage.
If some simply selected for big dicks you would think all humans would have big ones….and we do compared to most primates. But in chimps and others that have drastically disproportionately large penises it is culturally where the women have sex with many men and the larger dicks tend to outcompete.
Like apes have very small penises compared to body size. And their behaviour is one dominant male has a harem of women. Chimps bang constantly when the aloha male leaves the area just like humans,