Obama promotes censorship at Stanford
Last month, Obama gave this keynote address to Stanford's Cyber Policy Center.
Here is a commentary about Obama's speech from Justus Knight.
The Cyber Policy Center was begun in June of 2019.
As you can see, the Cyber Policy Center is about controlling political information.
I welcome fellow patriots to continue this dig about Stanford's Cyber Policy Center.It's outside my main focus, which is the COVID-19 pandemic.
BTW, there is similar censorship work going on in the medical field where they call it "infodemiology".
“W.H.O. Fights a Pandemic Besides Coronavirus: An ‘Infodemic.’”
“1st WHO Infodemiology Conference.” World Health Organization.
There's even a journal about infodemiology edited by Gunther Eysenbach called Journal of Medical Internet Research
Interestingly, I did not find this editor on the agenda for the WHO's infodemiology conference, so maybe the WHO grabbed the idea and ran with it without him.