Experience in NYS has been all the vaxxed and boosted getting sick, a lot of hospitalizations for heart, stroke, clots amongst the vaxxed. The far left is still literally in a thrall to the narrative, despite these things happening to them. The centrists are starting to whisper that maybe the conspiracy nuts were right.
Where u been pardner? Colonial history shows when the brits showed up, they distributed small pox infected blankets to the indigenous.
Since there is no context except a tweeted picture, in essence no sauce to what this was. Don't be so quick to judge, remember disinformation is purposeful. These may not even be students, nor should we be tracking children.
Put the red crayon down for a while. All dickheads just wanna fuck pussies.
Rusted out vehicles with no tires, Junkyard!
Top of the line fake journalism at its best.
NYC has bigger potholes