I’m in South Australia.
We’re not allowed to leave the country.
97% of people are the tyranny itself, and quite fanatical about it.
I physically don’t know anyone else that is resisting.
They’ve passed legislation to throw people 2 years in jail for not complying.
They’ll take my kids after that, more than certainly abuse and torture them.
This is it.
The options I’m being forced to consider are the worst form of torture I’ve ever had to suffer, and I know what I’m talking about, I got beat-up as a kid every fucking day.
I can’t let my own kids go through that shit, and worse.
Does anyone even understand what I’m saying?
We’ve been abandoned as cannon fodder here, we’re just a sacrifice so that “you have to show them” normies maybe decide to wake up. They won’t. They never will.
I can’t fight 97% of the population.
I won’t resist much longer with this legislation they’ve given themselves.
There’s no justice system here, it’s not an option.
Keep fighting friends, we won’t surrender, we’re going down soon. Fight, fight, fight.