When the "cure" is worse than the disease.
Sounds like the horse vax was a trial run to see how well the evil plan could work on humans.
Evil bastards!
When the "cure" is worse than the disease.
Sounds like the horse vax was a trial run to see how well the evil plan could work on humans.
Evil bastards!
So now the slaves were obese?
Maybe the crazier they act, the more people will rethink their views on abortion and voting for the Dems. who promote it.
Logic confounds their brainwashed brains.
They can't think for themselves, they can only repeat the lines that have been drilled into their heads.
A woman's choice trumps every thing, in their brains.
She says what she "believes"
It is like a religion to them.
Logic is not a factor, it is all about what they "believe"
White people are weak and inbred. They are the result of people with recessive genes breeding with other people with recessive genes, over generations.
Only 8-12% of the world's population is Caucasian.
They are fragile.
It should be easy to wipe out the Caucasian population. Why are they even still around? They should be extinct by now.
I thought Asians were the smart ones.