another proof that the "masters" themselfes are also indoctrinated and not enlighrened
earth is flat and the books cover is just an "artwork" how the luciferians madeup the world
its fiction the globe does not exist in outer planes than the imagination of the people
earth is flat
tinnitus is a sign that you got chipped and getting monitored
targeted inidivual
its still up check your browser
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Anyone here having problems with an abusive narcistic evil relationship?
twin flame?
evil seeks to destroy and kill you
Research the Alien Love Bite. Try to seek balance espeically emotionally - you have to understand that you need to get rid of these parasitires asap.
research into dry fasting / juice fasting. research about spiritual warfare (teachings of jesus) research about the spirit of jezebel and ahab and their story
i understand you may dont like these informations but forgive them and accept it. let it go and pray for their human souls. this is a spiritual war
you are strong, so much stronger than you might realize. you are a direct THREAD to EVIL thats why they targeted you. it makes no sense to target weak people or people without any chance to make a change