>myths point back to Saturn
Saturn = 6 letters, which is what the cult often uses to reference themselves (for hundreds of years)- anything with 6 letters work but they appreciate additional symbolism which Saturn has in the Ring which is eye symbolic - another common cult thing.
As for Indigo Children - same thing applies - Indigo 6 letters - children of cultists. I'm a cult victim myself - a closed eye i.e. in a cult family but never made aware of it… and one of the owls who watched me would always talk in codes that I only realized properly after being rescued. things like Eating (6) Cereal (6) - there's a lot of symbolism of the cult in 6's you'll recognize right away all around in things like music videos - I've noticed 2 separate million + view music videos released this week involving eating cereal. one of which even has a part that has in big letters "I am cereal" yea, well, long story.
anyway, I just wanted to say good try but it's both more and less complex than you seem to think. Good digging into logo's too, it really is everywhere : )