Thanks baker
found this on gettr, kek
so many chinese dissidents there they have anti communist english lesson clips
chinks arent scared to name the jew hahaha how can we more like this?
qrd on "flash" pls
is 40s too old?
he's right about the FBI being in on it but Durham isn't FBI, if he comes after them he'll do it METHODICALLY in court
suspicious behavior by Gaetz
so tired of this retarded kayfabe
this is probably "Dart" talking about himself
fuck off glowniggers
F&G, (((ISIS))) won't harm jews
then stop hoarded all the info niggerfaggot
not sure
I did it with a free sms site
welcome to the club faggot. good on you for getting the word out.
it's not about Sussman, it's can they get him to roll and IMO they will
he'll get some bullshit sentence like Clinesmith
over multiple generations
same thing in Russia, they call their boomers sovaks
why no one ever calls out the silent generation, idk
the judge is only presiding over Sussman's case, not the entire "Durham" investigation. Clinton would be a later case.
this isn't a judge left to his own devices
guaranteed someone is pressuring the judge behind the scenes, maybe people on both sides
if Sussman is facing hard time, he'll roll
good rundown here anons