1138 upside down is HELL on a calculator. learned that in elementary school 1980s
1138 upside down is HELL on a calculator. learned that in elementary school 1980s
since when do threads have topics?
bait makes sense, attempts to incite to public criminality or self incrimination..
but slides?
How does one 'slide' a never ending thread of unstructured free association? seems like an attempt to shut of potential interest in an idea or post one anon may be putting up to spark others. Always has seemed that way to me when someone calls something a 'slide'. Those someones offten having 30+ posts themselves, kek. Surely this exchange will be called as such by someone with a he-wife shortly too.
no more sleep indeed
breads NEVER end, how is any one post, convo, or subject impact your perception of what needs be done? there is neither limited space nor bandwidth. so y u mad?
Sunrise Drive Elementary School Tucson, AZ
spook town, spook school. they taught us all sorts of strange shit.
Dungeons and dragons days, apple II computer programming before sold in stores, etcโฆ
Now the same school does total chinese immersionโฆ in Tucson, AZ. go figure.
Kids of parents employed at Raytheon, IBM, Bombardier, etc go here