Unidentified military helo STORM11 N of Flagstaff Arizona
This helo is showing 8800ft altitude pretty high for a helo and 263kts speed pretty fast too.
Unidentified military helo STORM11 N of Flagstaff Arizona
This helo is showing 8800ft altitude pretty high for a helo and 263kts speed pretty fast too.
263 knots for a helo is pretty damn fast for a helo.
Think the Lynx held the record at 250ish for a number of years.
263 is ground speed but still hustling along even with a tailwind.
That guy needs moar training, you are not supposed to feed the guns MREs.
Why so many doses?
Each year there only a few dozen cases maybe into triple digits worldwide.
Ah you might be on to something. I've heard that army helo pilots get nosebleeds if they go higher than 150ft.
My bad. Keep your eyes peeled in case you see one of these coming the other way.
You missed orange man playing 'pull my finger'.