How the hell do you get this thing outta Fist Gear?
Let's Gooooo!
How the hell do you get this thing outta Fist Gear?
Let's Gooooo!
There would be Mutiny if it were not
What Test did they Use?
How many Cycles?
What Lab Did they Use?
How many Dead?
Dying in the Street or Hospital?
Who makes the Vax for MP?
Monkey Pox is Over
One Ugly Mother Fucker
The Programming Runs Deep
Butt Sex = Monkey Pox
Don't have Butt Sex
Problem Solved
As you were
It appears that Only those that par-take in the butt sex are at risk
NATO should BTFO
NAZI's Surrendered
Cowering Like Dogs
Tails Tucked
War's Over
Go Home
A Nothing Burger You Say?
Russia Won
NAZI's Lost
War's Over