is in ukraine a clone fabric to produce human beings?
so, the vaxx was just to get compatible with the human clones again?
only human clones get smallpox since they latest update was broken
Where else would you produce all those HRC clones if not ukraine where HB, son of the le ebim president has some corrupt connections
They thought she would win, who knows maybe it was HRC who infected all those old version clone models? HRC is patient zero, clone patient zero.
i think i am the only one understanding what is going on
i understand now why they all worship satan, because a clone has no soul.
>Goverenemt secretley cloning themself to keep their power
>they also cloned a special bread of human beings for their own gain
>80% of humanity already replaced by cloned humans
covid and smallpox only attacks the clones
immigration flood
joe biden is the worst clone version ever
he doesn't even look like the last joe clone at all
Clone All
Star Wars = Clone Wars
you know why they want so hard the abortion to be a thing, STEMCELLS
for cloning.