Mother Jones Hit Piece on Jim Watkins Refuted
Conversation Between Jim Watkins and Major Burdock
May 18, 2022
''Conversation starts ~33:25''
''Mother Jones just put out a hit piece by Ali Breland which implies that Jim was indifferent to the posting of child pornography (CP) on servers for an imageboard he was running in 2009. ''
Yesterday, the topic came up in a discussion about the Buffalo shooting between Jim Watkins and Major Burdock. Recent news articles had mentioned the investigation of 8CHAN by the NY AG. This is confusing because most people associate 8CHAN with JW but the only 8CHAN still in business now is 8CHAN.MOE, which is different (uses 8CHAN name to attract attention).
MB happened to be someone in a position to KNOW that the Mother Jones allegation is totally FALSE and therefore DEFAMATORY.
JW – They [those who run] wanted to have all of 8kun and on 8chan stuff on their servers. They wanted to allow stuff that I didn't allow on 8kun and 8chan to be posted, so it could be backed up on their servers, because they wanted that stuff….Then my disgruntled employee [Fredrick Brennan], who is buddies with these guys –
I'm just gonna go there, because people are always asking me, blaming me for the crap that HE did… he [said he] lost his FRIENDS over that…but what kind of friends…want to do that kind of crap?
MB – Not only that, Jim, they're charging premium membership for that content – they're charging…premium plus content……
You sent me the Mother Jones article to me and I didn’t want to talk about it. It just irked me so much….
Here’s the question:…
You and I met when I was not only the site manager but the network abuse manager for your upstream….
I NEVER, EVER ONCE had ANY unresolved, any complaint about CHILD PORNOGRAPHY on your network…I can attest to that [because] of my being the abuse manager during that entire period of time that they're talking about in that [Mother Jones] article. That's what incensed me, because I KNOW that to be untrue, as a fact….That pisses me off.
JW – Do you know who they used as sources in that article?
MB – Fred.
JW – Fred, my disgruntled employee – that didn't like the fact that I kicked that crap off as soon as I found out what was going on….and they used an ANONYMOUS Japanese person…. that was being crazy….They don’t know what's actually going on behind the scenes – and yes, [that] the abuse is ALWAYS taken care of [by the immediate removal of illegal posts]. We’ve been on top of that.
MB – I would have HEARD about it during that time, Jim. Somebody would have given me a subpoena, summons or warrant. Somebody would have told me, "Hey listen, you need to shut this guy down." Somebody woulda told ME – that was MY job. I was the primary contact during that period of time.
JW – Were not the people that they’re making us out to be….
MB – Absolutely not….
JW – they’re using the people they are trying to get [promoters of CP] as their SOURCE.
MB – I wouldn’t be friends with you if you were that person. You are the OPPOSITE of that person. It boils my blood, it really does.
JW – And then the few things they got right, they’re making it to be that that’s a problem - that I followed the law and I'm a First Amendment supporter…they’re…against that. Then I realized that the Mother Jones [article] will be used…. to make the Wikipedia [entry] even worse for me. They sourced for the Mother Jones article the [very] people who are going to write the Wikipedia!
MB – It's a reach-around…What's sad if that there are enough people in the leftist media who have come across Fredrick Brennan and they already know – they have already been burnt by him….
There is a reason he has no friends. …people warned me, when I came over here [to the Philippines]…to just steer clear of this guy. I thought, "no problem," because he already screwed me on a bunch of stuff i brought over for him… The first time I had any interaction with him, he fucked me over, ok? It was just for a bunch of stuff he couldn't get here, [brought] from the US. I was a naive nice guy, buying it….just maybe asking for him to pay me back,… a bunch of really expensive electronics. That’s how I met Fred.