The WaPo accusing the Biden Admin of 'magical thinking' made this Anon kek.
On the one 'side' their narrative is that it is bad that Biden Admin is engaging in 'magical thinking', doesn't even matter who the smear target is, lol, because the narrative is that magical thinking is a 'wrong' way to think.
Ok, assume true for thesis.
The thing is that, there is also a multi thread, there is in that smear a 'other' side, and also lol, it doesn't even need to be WaPo either who sourced the smear, because the WaPo is ITSELF an organization that 'engages' in the same pattern of dialectic inversion/transference/projection that is itself more in the 'magic' realm of logical sensitivities than it is to reason, empiricism, logic, or awareness that individual human beings have the capacity to receive, transform, and output information consistent with reality and thankfully inconsistent response to an inconsistent source, yes our trust can be exploited, but when we're awake we can see it.
This Anon is witnessing a previously expanding but is now collapsing, an ancient expression of a logic that is now eating itself by accusing itself of what it is itself.
WaPo's entire set of characters in every issue is designed to cast a 'spell' on the readers, filling trusting minds with inverted narratives that not only attempts to perpetually contradict the reality of things as they are, BUT KNOWINGLY DOING SO for the deliberate goal of ideologically and so physically controlling populations worldwide where EVERYONE is born free and purely innocent or any and all 'negation of the negation' smear attacks that are ALL projections of minds that see their own flaws in precious babies.
Let them trick themselves into thinking that seeking the 'complete' power over humanity will somehow escape the mathematical unassailable eschatology of total uselessness of what would be an 'inconsistent' command and control logic.
Inconsistent systems are practically useless to any receiver, they could prolong for a while but only if the receivers' minds trust the information as true about them, that the anger and division narrative is from world to media instead of what it is, media to itself, a reflection of them instead of what it was all along, a projection of a tiny number of highly wealthy and 'dialectic' enthusiasts who while having infiltrated 'trusting faces', are now accusing each other of their own cesspool logic of accusing others of what they themselves are.
It's in away a humbling moment, for I have much of myself to know is responsible for why I was 'asleep'. I trusted quite a bit of the output because I didn't want to be what the information also said I would be if I had other thoughts, the narrative was designed to make individual minds feel bad so that lots of people ended up not engaging with each other about 'other thoughts' because everyone thought everyone else would judge harshly, criticize, etc.
Collective 'delusion' for trusting a weaponized form of information by KNOWING participants.
I trusted information designed to destroy my life if I didn't produce enough money payments, or voted the wrong way.