I am shocked, shocked! I tell ya, that there is admin samefag faggotry taking place here.
I am shocked, shocked! I tell ya, that there is admin samefag faggotry taking place here.
Good posts are so few and far between in the breads that as soon as one comes around anons are on it like stink on shit.
Stuff being missed because Q is dropping and the breads were way faster was a 2018-2020 QR problem.
One that no longer exists in 2021-2022.
Well, define what shills are in the QR context.
Many times it's fellow anons with different viewpoints or bored shitposters.
With Q dark for so long now many of the cases of classic shilling attempting to disrupt Q/Anon activity has prolly significantly diminished here now.
Those resources are implemented elsewhere where they can get moar bang for the buck.
>When you deleted the Ghislaine Maxwell bread
Not exactly.
It was a backdoor delete by being locked and allowed to fall off the catalog.
Under the guise that it needed protection from the Uncle Joe pedo bear types.
And even tho few if any other type threads were treated the same.
Yes, I member.
Many such cases of shill simply being used here as a cover for I don't like what you posted, but can't refute it easily.
Yeah, that Kitchen churning out the smooth bakes is a well oiled machine right now.
BO was just making small talk earlier.