lthis thread is locked until previous is filled, will then unlock.
bread now unlocked.
Generally, even with CAPTCHA in place, breads don't need to be baked until at least 700.
Have a good bake,
bread ghosted, pb notes need to be collected
anons, plz step up
HM thinks this board is toast - soon to be replaced by TS. We have a baker shortage that's worse than usual. New bakers and note-takers are needed to fill the gap.
There is a lot of information on how to bake and note.
Are there questions from would-be bakers/notetakers?
Ways to support by admins or other bakers? Serious question.
Admins can support new bakers by answering questions or even walking you thru practice bakes (or giving feedback).
What kind of support do would-be bakers need to step up?
>no indians
The size of the notables reveals that there are plenty of anons here willing to dig, meme, and pray. In fact, enough that servers are now double what they were in December. You'll notice that we don't get 404s on images much anymore - just in the last few days. That's due to new servers being added to deal with the increased load.
What we need are BAKERS/NOTETAKERS.
It's a tough job, especially when they are under attack by shills. But also rewarding. Admins will do everything possible to support them, is some brave anons are willing to step up.
done, tx.
They notes are not bloated.
Their size is due to several reasons:
a lot of relevant news
medium slow breads
751 size breads
"We are the news"
In Feb 2019, Q said this over and over
We are 24/7/365 alt-news source - and also where current events get related to Q drops
If we simply cut the breads down to 400 or 500, notes would be more manageable and breads less than 2 hours long. Bakers put an end of bread notice and admins lock the breads.
Not hard to do but anons would need to be ok with it. Suggested in Feb but not supported at the point.
I know who is talking - someone with no agenda at all, right? An anon that comes around about once a year demanding to know what happened when he was gone. Gets more time and attention that anybody else and it's still not enough. Have just one thing to say to you: LURQ MORE.
>>16310627>bloatables are not endorsements.
so you think what diggers are posting here is crap?
In any group, there's a balance between control and freedom. Any attempt to curb excesses is dynamic. Can be too little or too much. And the needs change over time. When HM was spamming their notables here in Jan, they were deleted. Same with obvious OSS spam. Flash spam was deleted more recently. Genital mutilation spam is often reported by anons and is deleted if so or if BV notices.
Have also delete textless posts with insulting pics because this is not free speech - current pics are usually jews but could have been for any group. Q wants unity not division.
Right now, very little other than cp is being deleted.
Anons can request spam to be deleted and admins will respond. But are standing back now, letting anons decide. Only if board gets inundated will there be any action.
The question is what to do about repeated vicious personal attacks that are really a form of cyberbullying or harrassment. Done to those who stand out, either as admins, bakers and others who are identifiable like Swordy. Why do shills attack them? To purify the board of namefagging? Or to destroy the culture?
Anon posted something yesterday about poisoning the mind. One of the main reasons shills post here. They want to poison the board.
We like to think we are above it. That we can filter, either physically or mentally.
The article said not so. Shocking images, attacks, red text spamming. Do we really think it's not destructive?
Maybe it's the price we pay for preserving free speech. The question, as always, is where to draw the line. Commercial spam is designed to disrupt, why it's illegal and can be removed. But only if there is support for that. Current policy as of now is to stand back whenever possible, take the lead from anons (by what they do and do not report).
wow, got theRED TEXT IN CAPSgoing.
Tying to shame me into backing off.
Like I'm a pussy for refusing to be abused.
Fuck off, no sale.
>define what shills are in the QR context
Different kinds
paid shills
unpaid shills who just like to fuck things up
dissatisfied/frustrated anons who really want to solve problems
clueless souls who do weird stuff (mental illness, etc)
Not interested in first two gps
3rd gp - yes. they usually respond to reason, are glad someone is listening, can work together to solve problems
4th - tough one, they post randomly, have no real goalโฆ.we tolerate a lot of borderline types here, it's an open space
>it is them going back through previous breads or active breads and deleting anything they don't like. I.e. anything that mentions MOSSAD/Jews.
this can happen if a certain kind of ban and delete is used - where are posts by a certain poster are deleted wherever they appear
Goes for CP and sometimes spammers - but if done, NOT DONE BY LOCAL QR ADMINS
What 8kun admins do re SPAM is beyond our control.
Only exception:
sometimes posts are reported for deletion from just-baked breads. if they are deleted, then the bread will be shortened by a handful of posts.
>>it's the price we pay for preserving free speech
This is why admins are stepping back. Board has more spam but as long as anons don't report it (and it's less than say 50 posts per bread), it can stay.
Never have ebakes on MNR or QRB either.
These are smaller boards that move more slowly. QR may not be running 22 min breads right now but it's still busy.
You have never brought any valid criticism to bear. Nasty attitude always, like to hit below the belt. Nobody will respond to mocking, insulting posters who enjoy degrading others.
so you're mocking cyberbulling as a libtard invention. ok.
How about stalking, harrassment, libel, slander and defamation?
Those are older terms and actually apply legally even in anonymous forums.
There are old laws and new ones around the idea of attacking people in a way that constitutes a PSY OP.
Read up on TAVISTOCK.