The suicide watch list is growing…..
The Clintons have been available to any side for the right price for a very long time,
but they're not high enough in the tippy top Global Elites to have created those two extremes of Socialism to destabilize the world and shape it into their own image.
The Clintons have now become a liability to them.
Maybe a Tesla thing…………..
It's all theater,
good cop/bad cop to give the appearance there is a "good" side in that institution which has had a fifth column in every nation of every language on all waters of the earth.
Beginning to make sense as events unfold.
The Greek letter for "R",
is "P".
It's the Rothschilds.
Soros works for the Rothschilds.
Poland answers to the Chair…..
That's about the size of Liechtenstein……
which is the Holy Roman Empire leftover still serving the Chair in that same capacity.
It's a remnant of the original Holy Roman Empire which still exists.
The "P" is "Rho",
which is "R",
part of the vision seen by that apostate,
Constantine the Great.
The Papacy plays both sides……
The Rothschilds controlled the royal families of Europe.
The Tzar's line was infiltrated by European royalty to weaken them.
Who had arranged this?
Nicholas II himself was related to them,
as was his own wife.
She weakened Nicholas with her insanity,
being controlled by Rasputin.
Who sent Rasputin?
that's really the "Rho" turned a bit.
In that sign the Papacy did their "crusades".
The only crusades that get the attention however are those that went to the Middle East.
There were others,
against other Christians who refused to bow to the Chair.