Thanks note taker.
34/35 still need to be done?
On here
Four year deltas
It is fake retard.
Why are you spamming this?
It makes us look bad.
We don't do fake shit.
We do research.
>I sincerely donโt think anyone here can disprove this,
You need to prove that it exists (other than as a photosho). Official correspondence is all online. That isn't part of it. FFS Anon. It is FAKE AND GAY was disproved when it was first floated. The fact that retards got it to trend on twatter just makes us look like bigger retards to more people.
Here retard.
Reply story.
There is a story around this however.
It isn't the FAKE and GAY "FUCK YOU CUNT" reply letter. If that was the letter I can assure you the media would have demonized Trump over his insensitivity and insult to the office of speaker.