The writer knew to invlude a munkpox ref this week. Noted timestamp for q post as well as an addy given later in the episode.
They get mad when anon tells them that his pronoun is 'master'. Wonder why they hate it so…
Truckers side had no lawyers or anons. The cops were asking tp see evidence that was literally on everyone's phone there, but nobody knew how to pull it up.
Morons deserved to get robbed. Always get a receipt for goods and services and always tell them you're recording it.
If anon was there, the cops would have seen the blatant lie and theft and took the offenders to jail.
Nice round number, there.This now has a different flavor to it. News unlocks map. Q 1300 pompeo arrival.
Press secretary will call the questioner a racist homophobe
As the man who refers to q as quanon goes to sit a couple of members of the audience reveal why they were laughing so hard.
>speaking of mental health
>we just had the mental health proclamation
His heart was in the right place, he just needs an anon fren to help iron out a few brain wrinkles.
>monkeys made peace
Anon is kinda worried because somewhere down the line, a rhesus got in muh bloodline
>previously a featured character on the Muppets?
Yup. Yells "woman" all the time, is really slow on the uptake, and can tap those skins with the best of 'em.
There's no whey this can be reel. Nobody can be that deluded. This guy is part of the 4-6% lost forever?
Dubz chekk'd and kekk'd. Don't know how many times anon has asked for this pepe and come up dry. Thank you!
>memes are irl nao
but why can't it be this memethat's real, instead?
TY for the bigguns
Right up there with Biden's "Poor kids are as bright as white kids"
Cotton-picker would say
>"but you haven't even read the details of the bill to know it was good"
Not one American citizen got to read the bill, sucker!
The RINOs were promised to be left alone? Kek, those fuckers will find out as soon as they think it's safe to go outside.
Also don't forget 01-13-18, the day they tried to take potus out with a missle
Dubsubz chekk'd. Hi, Johnny!
You think that's cool? Then slow it down and zoom in to see a wonderful stunning weapon used by the lady behind her onto her lower back!